This was my first time trying acupuncture. I did the consultation + acupuncture appt. My acupuncturist really knew about the body and understood my symptoms better than my GP and was just really nice. The location is good for multiple transport links and has pay and display parking just outside. I was very pleased with the appointment and treatment and will go again.
a very relaxing, educational and all round valued experience. Matt, my therapist, was great at communicating what was happening and I Will definitely be back...
Very happy I have discovered the Seven Heavens clinic. I have been doing acupuncture for about 10 years now and I find the clinic excellent.
I am treated by Matt who is a very sensitive and professional practitioner, making me feel I am in good hands and comfortable.
He makes sure to explain each step of the treatment and listens carefully to my needs. The experience itself is relaxing and with each treatment I feel stronger, mentally and physically.
Think 5 Stars for ALL the above tells its own story!! Very thankful to have discovered the space and the person as the Acupuncturist/Osteopath myself and family have been using for last 30+years retired in the Summer.