Touch of Serenity clinic is Female only, situated in sovereign house just the other side of Brentwood High Street! *Kings road end.
With-in The Brentwood skin clinic.
At "Touch of Serenity"
This is exactly what you will experience whilst having any treatment with Jo.
Jo is an expert in waxing. Is Very passionate about your skin health inside and out, and wants nothing more than to help solve your skin problems using results driven facials, Skin peels, Spa facials, holistic treatments & pregnancy massages.
Using top-quality brands;
INDIBA Radiofrequency skin tightening,
Advanced nutritional programme,
HD brows,
Jo has over 30 Years of experience in the beauty industry and has over 720 5 star đ reviews to date.
" I pride myself on providing a unique experience for all my client's and catering for all their skin wants and needs"
Jo thoroughly enjoys working with the team at
"The Brentwood Skin Clinic"
Please note touch of Serenity clinic is for females only, Tuesday-Saturday.
50% non refundable if cancelled less than 24 hours before the treatment time.
100% charge for any no show or cancellation on the day.
In special circumstances the appointment can be rescheduled but please note a Charge will made to cover loss of revenue.
Thankyou x