I walked in and the gentleman behind the desk ignored me, I started to explain I had booked in and he continued to ignore me and walked off. Someone else came over, did not feel welcomed at all.
When removing my existing gel varnish, they were really tough and the tops of my fingers are now really really sore. They forgot to file the varnish off the first time and just put the acetone over and then realised.
During the manicure, they were clearly discussing my nails or something relating them and she pulled my hand over to her colleague. I would have liked to have known what was being discussed as it clearly concerned my nails, however they spoke the entire time in their language.
The manicure itself was okay (even though they forgot to file one of my hands until I had to ask) but the gel polish has already started to come off (less than 12hours after having it done).
I wouldn’t visit again
My treatment was done through rotation, by 3 different ladies. They were all really welcoming and nice, unfortunately not the best attention to detail, but overall it was a decent service