I barely ever go to a hairdressers because I always have an idea of what I want, and the hairdresser convinces me that would look dumb and so thy do their own thing and I hate it. So I went in to urban roots with a similar expectation. I had a senior stylist called Wesley. Upon telling him what it was I wanted, I got the same response as usual. The more he cut the more I panicked. Once it was done, I can honesty say it was the best hairut I've ever had in my life, which is no easy task for someone he hadn't even cut before. The cut seems to suit my hair type perfectly (I can wear a lot of styles well because my hair is thick and grows outwards) but he understood it so well. He was friendly, and so talented. I'm an urban rooter for life!
It is the best. Cosy little place, friendly staff, great location. Overall very relaxing environment and stress-free experience. Very happy with the haircut and will surely come back again. Highly recommended!