This was the first deep tissue massage I’ve had.
The whole experience was very therapeutic and was helpful getting me into a more calming state of mind. Jane was very engaging and very professional. I am looking forward to going back in the near future. Thank you.
Note that this place doesn’t have proper massage tables with a hole for the face. It was one of the worst massage experiences I have had, I actually ended having more back pain after the massage then I had in the beginning. The massage lady was nice and tried to make it as comfortable as possible, but it is impossible to do a proper deep tissue massage without a table a hole so you can rest the neck and head. I only booked this since my regular was busy and I will definitely not come back.
Very good Thai massage! I booked at relatively short notice but they made me feel very welcome and worked on the muscles that were more painful, relieving the pain in my back and making me feel more relaxed! I’d definitely recommend going back again!