Ultimate Wellness is a salon located on the Portobello High Street, on the costal outskirts of Edinburgh City Centre. Our extensive and varied menu includes a wide range of beauty treatments and speciality wellness protocols
we excel at massage, facials, nails and waxing.
Ultimate Wellness is also the only salon in Scotland to offer the biohacking package of hyperbaric oxygen and float therapy
we can flood every tissue and cell in your body with 96% pure dissolved oxygen and then have you rest completely weightless in silence and optional darkness within our "i-sopod" float tank
Its the ultimate in rest and regeneration
Ultimate Wellness use market-leading products to deliver the highest-quality service possible, including Jessica and GELeration polish as well as Dermalogica facial products. There is a large team of dedicated staff available, ensuring you'll never have to wait long for the treatment you desire.
There is roadside parking available directly outside the salon for customers to utilise.