"I Wouldn't Trust My Health In Anyone Else's Hands" - Anu S, 1st Princess, Miss India UK
A Family Run Private Healthcare Clinic. Est 2010
June 2004…
Sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, when my mother walked into the living room and said she had felt a small lump in her breast. Aware of the worst case scenario, I asked her to book an appointment with the GP.
One month later, I was sitting at her bedside, after her mastectomy to remove an aggressively growing breast tumor. The surgery was followed by 6 months of chemotherapy, 6 months of radiotherapy and 1 year of herceptin treatment.
During this time, I did a lot of growing up; it gave me an appreciation for my mother and the time I had left with her and a change of perspective on what was important in life.
One day we visited the GP, as my mother was getting a lot of aches and pains, due to her treatments. The pain relieving medications the GP prescribed gave my mothers unbearable side effects. Seeing her go through all of this I felt helpless.
Then one day someone mentioned that we should try a osteopath? I booked her in for an appointment. I didn’t really know what a osteopath was but I was willing to try anything that would help her. What was the worst that could happen?
My mother walked out of the osteopaths office without the grimace of pain she had when she went in. Her movement and pain had greatly improved and she felt much better, I was amazed! The osteopath relieved my mother pain successfully without any drugs or surgery, using only his hands?!
Inspired, I resolved to change my degree and study osteopathy, with the hope that one day I would be able to treat my mother and help her.
Over 13 years later and I have had the opportunity to help not only my mother but also thousnads of other people at our clinic and thousands more through our self help videos.
I love my job and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I hope to continue to help as many people as I can, as someone once did for my mother