Massage therapist in London, available now to provide holistic massages at my place in Woking, ALSO AVAILABLE AT 138 High St, West Drayton UB77BD at Lookin Foxy Hair & Beauty
01895445264 also mobile massage service in SURREY AND WEST LONDON I can visit you at your home or hotel for one of my massage and manual beauty treatments.
- Swedish Massage 1h £55 - Aromatherapy 1h 65£, - Hot Stone therapy 1h 65£, - Indian head Massage 30min 35£, - Deep Tissue 1h 65£,
🔥 hot 🪔 oil
.massage 60min 65£,
- Anticancer Lymph drainage massage treatment for women also pre & postnatal lymph drainage massage 60min 65£, pregnancy massage£65 1h - All other 90 min massages are 80£ + £15 aromatherapy oils or hot stones if you want to...
Full body spa therapy £160 2h
Unforgettable Massage Experience.
I'm covering 15 to 20 miles mobile massage around Woking and Guildford + travel expenses, also I'm covering West and South West London so you can enjoy your relax massage time. Holistic ⛵ MASSAGE THERAPIST⛱️ ALL HOLISTIC MASSAGES
MOBILE 📲 massage also MASSAGE at my Massage STUDIO
male clients.