My seborrheic dermatitis is getting worse -- what can I do about it?

For many years now I have had seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and have treated it with regular use of a medical shampoo and then occasional use of a topical ointment. However, recently I have found that I have been getting the same flakiness and itchiness on my eyebrows, eyelids and sometime on the area below my eyes on either side of the nose.
I don't love using all these medicines to treat it and find that it only helps for a short while. Is there something natural that I can do to help my condition? Does it have to do with something I am eating?
Asked by lopo5

7 answers

Top answer
SD is an inflammatory condition of the skin that causes oily scales and flakes most commonly on the scalp and face.
The exact cause of SD is not clear, but it is thought to be an overproduction of skin cells and sebum due to an imbalance in hormones and an over active immune system. Irritation and redness of this skin condition can result when a fungus, called malassezia, replicates in the favourable moist and nutrient rich environment of the scalp of SD patients.

Generally SD appears to run in families and is most often triggered by stress, fatigue, extreme weather conditions and hormonal changes, as well as obesity and poor skin hygiene.

Treatment for SD outbreaks includes food supplements:
- regulating the replication of the skin cells with quercitin and bromelain, natural anti-inflammatories, which bind to the mast cell in the skin and decrease its release of inflammatory products, as well as folic acid, which controls cellular turn over in general;
- consuming good fats such as fish oils to decrease inflammation and soften the scalp, decreasing the need to produce excess sebum in attempts to moisturize itself;
- controlling cortisol, the stress and fatigue hormone with magnolia flower and milk peptides, as well as increasing protein in the diet to help provide the required amino acids needed to produce a healthy and strong skin cell;
- strengthening the building blocks of the skin cells with amino acids.
and topical skincare:
- an alcohol-free cleanser
- following up for 1 month with an antibacterial, clearing serum in the morning to decrease the overgrowth of bacteria and fungus associated with this condition, and an anti-stress/anti-inflammatory serum at night;
- a light moisturizer; avoid using a heavy moisturizing cream until the skin settles down.
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As a fellow sufferer, the simplest thing to try is to avoid sodium Laureth sulphate, and most of the other laureth sulphates, the main detergent ingredient in shampoos and shower gels. Many seborrheic dermatitis cases are caused by an intolerance to detergents. Cut these out to begin, and don't be tempted to treat the problem with more dandruff shampoo. Try Aveda or Tara Smith, Node etc. The problem clears up in 2 weeks.
With any health complaint, it is important to ensure that your digestion is working efficiently. If not then the body will be unable to absorb the essential nutrients that are retrieved from food during this process.
Start from the beginning:
1) Drink a glass of water 15 mins before eating to increase your stomach acid o a level whereby food can be digested.
2) Chew well: take time over your food and eat small mouthfuls. Chew your food util it is liquid before swallowing. Chewing is the first stage of disgestion and signals to your stomach that food will be coming down and to start producing stomach acid.
3) Do not drink any liquids with food during or until 30 mins after you eat to ensure that the digiestion process has started.
4) increase fibre: Increase the amount of vegetables and wholegrains you eat. Swop white rice for brown, introduce more beans and lentils into the diet. This will help you increase your stool transit time so any toxins are removed from the body effectively.
5) Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, reduce the amount of tea and coffee. Caffiene dehydrates and you need to replace each cup with the same amount of water to keep a balance. Think, 2/3 of our body is water - if we are thirsty our body is already dehyrated.
Above all I would highly reccomend you see a natropath or nutritional therapist to support you through reducing this issue. The food we eat should give us enough ingredients to enable our bodies to be well and healthy but unfortunately modern-day habits and lifestyles can cause systemic issues. In order to get to the bottom of the problem, you need to start from the inside rather than the outside. Our outer selves are a reflection of our internal state.
Good luck.
I would advise you to see a medical practitioner, or trichologist to get the best advice and unbiased treatment/preparations
Dear Friend
I always surprise my self how people have a tendency to find out a single answer for everything, but here goes what I think you should be looking at.
First, the reason why Seborrheic Dermatitis occurs is still unknown.
Second you mentioned that the medicines that you are using are not working. Are you still using them?
Seborrheic Dermatitis can occur by numerous factors.
As much my knowledge allows I can think that it could be caused by fungus, hormones and psychological factors.
Hormones unbalance are close related to the psychological and physiological factors, which means that stress (physical or mental), diet and some diseases can cause a hormone unbalance to happen.
In terms of fungus, I would say that any reaction from our skin can be caused by long periods of time exposition our bodies to a particular substance or a single contact to a powerful substance.
Someone mentioned milk; it is wise to think that our body does not recognise milk, potato, meat, etc. Instead it does recognise protein, CHO (Milk = Lactose), fat, lipids, mineral, vitamins, etc. So before you erase something from your diet, analyze it well if you are getting the vitamins and minerals necessary from other sources.
When I mentioned diet above, I meant that either you are eating too much of something or too little.
To find the answer to your problem my friend, I would have to analyze your diet, life-style and few other things, and maybe I would be able to help you.
I wish you all the best
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information
Luiz 07737417374

The area with problems suggest a imbalance of the large intestine and gall bladder meridians. the lungs and the large intestine meridians control the skin, treatment of these may help. It may be stress and emotional as well so points used can help this as well.
Your condition may be caused by a fungus which can move from head to eyebrows, face and sometimes the center of your chest. Acupuncture may be able to help but also try a vitamin d supplement, oregano oil or tea tree oil directly on the area.
Hope this helps


I agree that killing the yeast using tea tree oil is a good idea. Jojoba oil is also great for seberrhoic dermatitis. I would not apply tea tree oil neat and would use a carrier oil such as jojoba oil. I use teenage by mama nature which is actually an acne treatment. It contains these oils and touch wood has helped me greatly. The scaliness and inflammation have really subsided and I hope through more use this will get rid of it.
I suffered for years. I had a blood test which showed I was folate deficient and I was prescribed folic acid (B9). After 2 weeks my skin was completely back to normal. Lack of folate is known to cause Seborrheic Dermatitis.