Has anybody tried the cupping therapy? Did you like it? What was the effect after?

Asked by Kat-rin

10 answers

Top answer
Have tried cupping great for certain conditions feels like a deep tissue massage does not hurt quite relaxing and the cup marks are not painful felt great afterwards.


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a survey on cupping for just 4 questions and use it for college research paper . Your kind respond was greatly appreciated, and thank you !!
There is an evidence base for cupping techniques for certain conditions, please see link http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/10/70
If you have one of these conditions cupping may benefit you but contact providers to find out experience and qualifications
Hi Kat-rin, I have tried it and I offer it. It is wonderful for providing a deep massage, whilst detoxing the skin. It is usually done on the back and can be done on the legs as well. It feels amazing afterwards!!
There are no harmful side effects, but you can get mild bruising which usually fades in a couple of days. Now is the time to get it, before bikini season!!
Please get in touch if you would like to try it:
Cupping Therapy is very good treatment for many conditions. it is not painful. it is like massage but more deeper.
I tried cupping a few years ago after a motorbike accident. It's really not painful and helped my muscles recover from the damage. I bruise like a peach normally anyway and had a few perfectly circle bruises for a week or so. It actually quite relaxing and feels like a massage. Definitely worth giving it a go if you suffer with a bad back or knotty muscles


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Cupping is fantastic it helps with releasing the toxins from your body. Giving a significant amount of release/relief.
Our Ayurveda and Acupuncture specialist also does cupping at our Stanmore Clinic, Middlesex.
For more information or to book an appointment please get in touch.
Hi there, we give the treatment cupping at our clinic http://www.integratedbodydynamics.co.uk I also teach cupping. Phone us if you have any questions, 02083470888 Robert
Dependant on the condition to be treated. more info and perhaps I can answer more fully


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