I personally think that threading is better than waxing. A few reasons are:- - No chemicals: its completley natural so you know its not going to be bad for your skin and you know you wont get a reaction (as sometimes you can be sensitive to certain types of wax) - Precision: you can determine what shape you want and know it will be precise unlike waxing - Hair takes a while to grow back: but, it is the same with waxing.
Hi Preet ,I agree with what you are saying, , because i belive treading last longer, i have had clients saying the same to me, Thanks for replying.
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I don't think that the hairs get finer but they don't grow back in certain places, leaving you with a desired shaped. but be careful about going to thin a lot of women who got their brows done a lot in the 80s/90s now have very thin brows and they aren't as in fashion anymore.
Sugaring has the exact same results as the new craze Brazilian honey waxing. But sugaring originates in Egypt, this is where I trained. Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. Its 100% natural (its edible), gentle & lasts twice as long as waxing!! Sugaring is a pure all-natural hair removal method. Its considered the oldest & still the best method for hair removal & effective for all hair textures. It is often compared to waxing because both are sticky but that’s where the comparison ends. If you have sensitive skin then sugaring is the best choice. The sugar paste only adheres to your hair & pulls them out by the root without sticking to the skin causing no irritation . It is a less painful, hypo-allergenic method of hair removal. Re-growth is slow so this method of hair removal can last up to 6 weeks, which is comparable to how long laser treatment lasts & so makes it a good hair removal alternative. It is safe for the entire body & face. With regular treatments the hairs become sparse, softer & lighter in colour, therefore less noticeable between treatments. Frequent sugaring can also cause the hair follicle to shrink which permanently stops the growing hair. Sugaring also works as a body exfoliant which greatly adds to the smooth, soft after affect clearly enjoyed by clients. Experience has shown that the anticipation is often worse than the process itself. Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. 100% natural, gentle & lasts for weeks.
The principles of waxing and threading are the same: pulling hair out at its roots. The advantage that threading has over waxing is that it can be done more frequently; the hair does not have to be of a certain length or thickness. With both waxing and threading the hair growth becomes less over time. As threading can be done more often than waxing it should lead to reduced hair growth more quickly. Daniel
Thank you Daniel, i agree with your answer threading dose reduced hair growth more quickly, and can give a finer resulth in eye brow shape.
yes I believe it does.
Yes, certainly does make the hair grow back finer and sparser with using the threading method over a period of time. It can pull out the shortest and coarse hair as well as the fine and fuzzy hair. It is much better than waxing especially for those ladies that are wax sensitive, for those that have extra sensitive skin or mature thinning skin, as only a piece of pure antibac cotton is used (that is what we use, not cheap cotton reels packed on cardboard). Further more, you are only taking out hair and not taking off skin. Also the benefits include a much better shaped eyebrow which waxing alone cannot achieve. Whilst some offer the service as a "cheap" alternative to waxing, it is a skill and therefore you would want to be in the capable hands of someone that knows how to thread properly with experience.
Thank you for your comment
hello .Both methods of waxing and threading will have the same growth back. But threading is a very natural way of removing the hair from the root as it only adheres to the hair and not the skin and gives a cleaner residue free finish and its not as Abrasive . I do waxing, threading, and plucking and have noticed that 99% of my clients have threading .
Thank you for taking time out to answer my question.
Each hair removal method that removes the hair by the root (both waxing and threading do so) will result in finer hair growth. If there is downy hair to begin with 2/3 treatments will grow back as terminal hair which is stronger than downy hair and usually darker (depending on your own melanin content in your skin and hair) but then will result in fewer and finer hair growth overall after more treatments. Threading removes hairs above the skin's surface (usually about 99% of hairs will be removed this way). Waxing will remove hairs which have a minimum hair growth of 0.5cm (for facial hair) so about 95% will be removed. Threading gives the 'baby's bottom' finish which is very smooth and threading give a smooth fresh finish (you may notice tiny tiny hairs on VERY close inspection - hence the 5%). As threading does not affect the skin by applying product it is a much gentler option, although some say more painful, and therefore is better for those with sensitive skin or those sensitised to wax. It would benefit you to have both threading and waxing 2/3 weeks apart to see the results for yourself and to choose which option would be best for you. I hope this has helped you.
Thank you very much for answering my question in such detail. I didnt know about the statistics of it all. since threading removes 99% of hair, and contains no chemicalls, wouldnt you agree that it is therefor better ?
I am a qualified beauty Therapist and I find treading is much better as it does not harm your skin, hairs grow back lighter and finer. I do waxing on my clients but I will refuse waxing on anyone's face as wax ages your skin quicker. It pulls your skin which can result in wrinkles. I don't know if this answers your question.
hii.. some ppl says aftr treading much hair grows back.... pls suggest
Thanks for replying.