Hi, I am a Male Therapists and my clientele is only Male, they maybe simply coming in for the ever popular Back or Chest Wax, but I would say that around 40% of my clients alone are having a Hollywood or a Male Brazilian. The numbers are growing rather quickly (although a little behind the Antipodeans yet) and it is more apparent by the good number of Male Therapists that are now available and also extremely well trained. Myself and Salon provide professional treatments with knowledgeable customer service.
I wrote an article not so long ago relating to this and lets hope that the Men continue the demand (and Salons) notice that Waxing for Men is making a mark.
I think my best advice is to tell your other half to just book it, freak out on the way there, uncontrollably suffer a few owches!!!! and jeezz!!! but it will definitely become a bi-monthly routine.
Kind Regards,
Cameron McCallum
I don't suppose you're based in London, looking for a male therapist for our Clapham Salon?