What's the best extensions technique to use on scalp psoriasis treated every 2-3 days?

Asked by Brenda14

2 answers

Try halo hair extensions they are easy to put in have no clips no glue no bonds take out daily
Search Treatwell for Hair Extensions near you
in this case i woudnt really use extensions..but if you really have to then either ones are fine..it depends if the hair extensionist knows how to apply them that is important.. keratin bonds need to be rolled very well and the micro rings used need to be of good quality that hold and dont slip..
but psoriasis treatment is ok as conditioner is actually worse as it can actually loosen the keratin bonds or micro rings if conditioner is acutally applied onto them
no worries.. just dont use too many hair extnesions if you have a weak scalp and fine hair
half head is advisable in my opinion