Is Rosacea treatment different from other IPL skin treatments?

Asked by davies2014

5 answers

it is
Search Treatwell for Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) near you
Obagi Rosaclear is an effective treatment for rosacea. You have to see one of our doctors though to get it prescribed. There is more information available on our website
Rosacea can be successfully treated with IPL. As mentioned in one of the other answers, this is a condition which presents itself in several different ways, and which can vary from slight reddening and flushing of the skin to extreme redness and inflammation. We normally treat this condition with IPL, which is the most direct route to reducing the redness without being invasive. We also recommend a specific skin product for home use, which helps calm the redness and reduces inflammation.
If you can find a doctor or skin specialist to diagnose and treat your condition, you should get the best outcome.
If you live anywhere near our clinic, we offer free consultations and skin analysis in order to advise clients of the best course of treatments for their concerns.
Best wishes,
Waters Edge Clinic
Hi there,
Rosacea is actually a spectrum of conditions characterised by varying degrees of flushing, redness and spots. Treatment is best carried out by an experienced doctor. IPL is highly effective at improving the redness and veins. If your main issue is spots however, you are best seeing your GP for either a topical treatment or oral antibiotics.
Best of luck!
I got rosacea, I used productos of Obagi and a creme prescribed for my GP, I'm better now, still not 100% but better than before, Obagi products only prescribed for doctors.
skin care bromley