Can anyone recommend a diet that has worked well for them?

And what is the hardest thing about dieting?
Asked by IanHenderson

14 answers

Top answer
It's all things in moderation and... eat less and move more! faddy diets only work short term, making a long term lifestyle change is better for your mind and body. Cut back on alcohol and steer clear of so called diet foods that tend to be lower in fat but high in sugar, instead opt for wholemeal foods, fruit and veg and plenty of protein and you will see results in no time!
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Hi , I am Julia Rhodes of West London Colonics.
My perspective is that its not just about input but also about output.
As a colon hydro therapist , I have seen that colonics help with weight loss/ management , as an ancillary practice.
Its not the prime thing that makes a difference, but it can be very helpful , in addition to.
I am using con hydrotherapy to support weight management.
Losing Weight Takes Effort
If you have been trying to lose weight but have had no success, ask yourself, are you really trying hard enough? It is not enough to just want to lose weight, you have to be proactive and make it happen. There are various crash diets that people try but everyone knows that crash dieting is not only dangerous and unhealthy, the results are very short-lived. They are ideal to lose weight for a special occasion or just purely for a holiday because that’s as long as the results from a crash-diet will last. And there is always the chance that once you stop a crash diet, within a week the weight will pile back on and you could possibly end up weighing more than you did before.
It is not just about food when it comes to weight loss. Exercise is equally important. It would not matter how little you ate, if you do not do any exercise whatsoever, you can’t realistically expect to lose weight. Exercise is crucial for our health and well-being and there is no exception when it comes to weight loss, exercise is a vital part of it. The key to successful and lasting weight loss success is a healthy, balanced and varied diet that is followed consistently, not just on occasion and frequent exercise.
People with very fast-paced lives might argue they don’t have the time to eat healthily or exercise, but healthy eating does not have to be time-consuming and exercise can be as little as just simply taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking into town instead of taking the car. It’s the little differences we make to our lives that make big changes. It may take time to see results but like they say; Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is important to stay focused, not get disheartened if you do not lose weight as quickly as you’d like. Slow and steady is far better than to suddenly drop 10 lbs in a week. And as for eating habits, you can make it easier on yourself by not having endless amounts of sugary fatty foods in the house. If it’s not there, the temptation is reduced.
Losing Weight Takes Effort
If you have been trying to lose weight but have had no success, ask yourself, are you really trying hard enough? It is not enough to just want to lose weight, you have to be proactive and make it happen. There are various crash diets that people try but everyone knows that crash dieting is not only dangerous and unhealthy, the results are very short-lived. They are ideal to lose weight for a special occasion or just purely for a holiday because that’s as long as the results from a crash-diet will last. And there is always the chance that once you stop a crash diet, within a week the weight will pile back on and you could possibly end up weighing more than you did before.
It is not just about food when it comes to weight loss. Exercise is equally important. It would not matter how little you ate, if you do not do any exercise whatsoever, you can’t realistically expect to lose weight. Exercise is crucial for our health and well-being and there is no exception when it comes to weight loss, exercise is a vital part of it. The key to successful and lasting weight loss success is a healthy, balanced and varied diet that is followed consistently, not just on occasion and frequent exercise.
People with very fast-paced lives might argue they don’t have the time to eat healthily or exercise, but healthy eating does not have to be time-consuming and exercise can be as little as just simply taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking into town instead of taking the car. It’s the little differences we make to our lives that make big changes. It may take time to see results but like they say; Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is important to stay focused, not get disheartened if you do not lose weight as quickly as you’d like. Slow and steady is far better than to suddenly drop 10 lbs in a week. And as for eating habits, you can make it easier on yourself by not having endless amounts of sugary fatty foods in the house. If it’s not there, the temptation is reduced.
Losing Weight Takes Effort
If you have been trying to lose weight but have had no success, ask yourself, are you really trying hard enough? It is not enough to just want to lose weight, you have to be proactive and make it happen. There are various crash diets that people try but everyone knows that crash dieting is not only dangerous and unhealthy, the results are very short-lived. They are ideal to lose weight for a special occasion or just purely for a holiday because that’s as long as the results from a crash-diet will last. And there is always the chance that once you stop a crash diet, within a week the weight will pile back on and you could possibly end up weighing more than you did before.
It is not just about food when it comes to weight loss. Exercise is equally important. It would not matter how little you ate, if you do not do any exercise whatsoever, you can’t realistically expect to lose weight. Exercise is crucial for our health and well-being and there is no exception when it comes to weight loss, exercise is a vital part of it. The key to successful and lasting weight loss success is a healthy, balanced and varied diet that is followed consistently, not just on occasion and frequent exercise.
People with very fast-paced lives might argue they don’t have the time to eat healthily or exercise, but healthy eating does not have to be time-consuming and exercise can be as little as just simply taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking into town instead of taking the car. It’s the little differences we make to our lives that make big changes. It may take time to see results but like they say; Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is important to stay focused, not get disheartened if you do not lose weight as quickly as you’d like. Slow and steady is far better than to suddenly drop 10 lbs in a week. And as for eating habits, you can make it easier on yourself by not having endless amounts of sugary fatty foods in the house. If it’s not there, the temptation is reduced.
If you are trying to lose weight I would suggest the following:
Firstly, think about why you are looking to lose weight, how you came to gain the weight, how you feel emotionally about losing weight.
Next, look at changing your eating patterns in a way that you can maintain for the longterm.
Don't think of your new eating pattern as a diet, its a way of life.
Cut out as much processed food as possible.
Increase your intake of fresh natural produce.
Look as how much exercise you take and look at increasing this if necessary
Find a Nutrional Adviser who can get you started with a 'clean eating' programme to kick start your new regime.
Remember that the key to weight loss is 'eat less, move more'. Place equal importance on each part of that statement.
Hello everyone, the question was put towards people who have dieted and what was the hardest part. I feel it is about educating people to put the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients in there body. We sadly live in a fast fix 21st century where convenience is high in the majority of people lives. Whilst dieting and educating yourself how to eat and what works for you is key as this will give you the platform to keep the weight off and lead a much healthier and happier lifestyle.
Dieting Deprives your body of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals it is DANGEROUS and will eventually lead to SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS. No DIETING -healthy eating, Manage stress,Get active simple and safe.
Nutrition And Zumba Classes is easy to follow calorie burning dance fitness work out and it's FUN.
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There are diets that supplement your body with the necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals with out depriving any of them systems. I do agree with a healthy active lifestyle, work smart in the gym and cook clean.
Hi Ian, I don't agree with low calorie diets and avoiding food groups such as fats. Your diet should be about eating foods that are right for you and that will give you the nutrients to keep you healthy for the long term. Vegetables, protein and certain fats and whole-grain carbs is the way forward for weight loss benefits.
Good luck!
Hi Ian,
There is substantial evidence to say that no "diet" works long-term. By definition, dieting is starving yourself and this equates to "death" in the subconscious mind, whose primary function is to protect you. So, willpower will allow you to lose weight short-term but inevitably dieters put back the weight and more when the unconscious "protective" mechanism kicks in!
I believe understanding why, what and when you eat is very important. Understanding and combing this with hypnotherapy to change your relationship with food is vital. Yes, you need to eat less. Yes, you need to drink water. Yes, you need to exercise but understanding the roots and using Hypnotherapy to combine the forces of both the conscious and unconscious mind is the best method I have found.
Hope this is helpful


Yes, not diets but an eating plan based by whole foods not processed foods .
see my blog post ( 'Call-on-health') featuring article:,KISSSS, keep it simple-stop, substitute,supplement - Dec 2013
The hardest thing about dieting is the undoing of the disease creating addicting foods that you are brainwashed into eating by the food industries around you,
The diet that works best, and is your only diet, is your natural raw diet that will manifest beautiful health and liberation of the medical establishment. Empower yourself with alive foods, because it is not logical to put dead foods into a living system. it creates dissease and death . . .What do you choose??
DR.Wilco. your natural health Doctor for pristine health.
Hi Ian,
I lost a stone 12 years ago through Herbalife (nutrition company) and have maintained it ever since, with more energy, vitality and better health. Have more energy than when I was 18 years old! The hardest bit is changing habits for the first 2-3 days max and then you just get into routine with the support of a personal wellness coach like myself, following you up and advising you.
Best of health


I use the formula 1 shake, multivitamin complex, fibre and herb and cell activator for breakfast. It has helped maintain my weight and has improved my lean muscle mass and energy which I need to have to play football at a elite level.
healthy eating-- simple as that :)
Switch to more plant based foods, organic products, cut out processed and oily foods, white products like white bread, white rice and sugars including artificial sweeteners.
You should lose weight !
Mohamed Caffoor