The underside of my no-blend, gel nail tips has started cracking after a few days. Anyone know why?

I had white, no-blend tips applied with a pink gel overlay on Tuesday of this week and already the undersides of the white tips are badly cracked. I've used cuticle oil regularly and haven't done any chores - so no exposure to washing up liquid. I'll go back to the salon, but does anyone know why this might have happened? Thanks!
Asked by Jingbah

2 answers

Top answer
No professional will comment on someone else's work! At the end of the day you do need to return to the salon concerned and let them address the issue. Which I am sure they will gladly do. They will immedetally know course of action, and will identify the reason behind the complaint. Good luck. you will be a happy customer again.
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Hi I think your best bet is to return to the salon you had them done so they can see what has happened. I know I would like to see them if I had done them and give them a chance to put them right x it's very hard for us to comment when we have not seen them x