Contrasting the use of 3 differing massage mediums (Oil, talc & cream)

I have the task of writing a report contrasting the use of 3 differing massage mediums (oil, talc & cream). Do you have any input on this subject. Also how the differing mediums effect clients that are both hairy & non hairy.
Asked by TimS55

3 answers

Top answer
Rebecca Urban Oasis
Oil is the best medium to use in massage i think. Even with clients that are hairy it just gives you a good slide.
Talc might feel better to a client with a lot of hair but they are not going to get the complete benefit of a massage as the therapist can't put the same amount of pressure on than they could with oil.
Cream can be ok but soon absorbs into the skin and doesn't have the same effect and if they have no hair at all it can be too slippy.
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Hi Tim,
To be honest, I mainly use oil so I can't really comment on talc and cream. But definitely using oil will make it easier to
massage hairy person, and it works perfectly well for non-hariy person. I believe talc can be too dry and make it harder to massage hairy ones.
Hope that helps..


Hi there I know this is late but I have just started using talc so I can get a grib on all meduims I can and its great to use on clients with greaser skin and if you use and pre-treaments like G-5 then its a must, It gives you a much better grib for picking up the muscle and adding in a deeper massage. Im not to keen on the feeling it leaves my hands in but it does the job and some clients even prefur it than oils or creams.
thanks guys