How do I choose a colonic hydrotherapy practitioner?

What to look for in a colonic hydrotherapy practitioner, and what to avoid.
Asked by HippyUSCh1ck

5 answers

Top answer
I am Julia Rhodes, principal colon hydro therapist with West London Colonics.
WLC Wahanda page:
Basic criteria to assess the quality of a colon hydro therapist begins with:
a) Initial point of contact with the prospective client (i.e. how the therapist came to the client’s notice). This could via marketing literature (pamphlets and business cards) or the ubiquitous Group on, Watcher or similar. Best from the point of view of both therapist and client is WoM (Word of mouth from a trusted source). In todays web driven marketplace, web searches are increasingly the preferred search method for sourcing services. First impressions count. There is not a second chance to make a first impression.
The way a person carries out their business - Do ads, websites and the like convey professionalism ?
b) Regulatory compliance: Professional qualifications, insurance and affiliation to regulatory bodies. 

Another guideline is how complete an intake (or initial health) interview is. If this is perfunctory, they have no idea of a client’s needs or restrictions, a bad sign.
c) A focus on Communication and client education. Understanding the client’s problems and being able to devise a treatment plan that addresses them shows competency in their skill set, provided that the plan is flexible and empathetic to what the client is able and prepared to do (not what they are not!)
A good colon hydro therapist can help you get you the result or outcome you're looking for (provided you also play your part), quickly and effectively. But not superficially. In colon hydrotherapy its useful to go slow to go fast. 

e). Experience: a therapist needs experience to understand not just the needs and wants, but the fuller expectations of the client.
f) Quality of interactions: Can you speak to the therapist on the phone, get questions answered etc. Response times for emails and returned calls, plus the content of the response you get will all give you an indication of what sort of person you are dealing with and whether they are a full time therapist.
After you have weighed up these sorts of things, the best advice is to go with the one that feels right, (someone you find easy to talk to, or who you feel has been straightforward and honest)

So in short, do the background checks and research, and then go with your gut feelings.
See also my comments under 'Veliles' answer .


Thanks , julia.
Search Treatwell for Colonic Hydrotherapy near you
You should also look at the more recent answers to DaynaJoys' question about low-priced colon hydro therapy offers , on this community page. Theres a long , useful answer by Julia, from west London Colonics.
i have been to see one and she the best i been to here her web site she so good
Your practitioner should be a member of a governing body such as the Institute of Professional Colon Hydrotherapists ( ) Membership of such a body assures the client that a high level of expertise in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, contraindicated health conditions and hygiene has been achieved and maintained by an experienced holistic therapist or medical professional.
You should ascertain what qualifications the practitioner has, how long their training was - some "schools" offer training in the use of automated equipment that consists of a few days before they are awarded a full certificate.
The best training is offered as an intensive post grad training( minimum of 5 years experience) with at least a years supervision and case histories before the final exams and full certificates are awarded.
Your treatment should include a full, detailed lifestyle and medical history prior to treatment.
Premises should be scrupulously clean with obviously high levels of hygiene.
Colonic equipment (tubes) should be single use disposable !
Water should be filtered.
Your potential therapist should be more than willing to provide this information - personal recommendation is always a great introduction and testimonials and reviews should be available.
good health is a happy gut
Diane Nivern


Di, thanks for taking the time to answer !
Dear HippyUSChick,
a good starting point are the websites of the various governing bodies; we belong to I-ACT which is worldwide
but in the UK (your profile states you are in London) you also have ARCH:
Membership to either association should at least give you the confidence that the therapist is qualified. A word of warning: check that their membership is current !
Secondly, I would call the therapist up and have a good discussion with them about your problems and outcome to get a feel for what they recommend, and see if they understand you.
Thirdly, check out reviews and feedback from customers on Wahanda or other review sites: a reputable centre should have some good feedback. Equally you can dig out any customer review highlighting not-so-good experiences.
What to avoid? Make sure that the therapist checks if you are suitable for the treatment, this is a treatment that is not suitable for everyone and should not be taken lightly. I am a qualified nurse and take all my clients through a one-hour consultation before they undergo the treatment, but make sure that at least you are being taken through a list of contraindications as a minimum. Not every therapist is medically qualified and some may not have enough knowledge so if you have even the slightest of concerns, consult your doctor first.
Finally, you can choose either close or open system, as long as it is a FDA-registered equipment, you will be fine. Not sure why HAGCC says the closed system is most clean. But for sure you must check the cleanliness of the centre when you go, before you start the treatment - dont be afraid to question the therapist on sanitisation procedures.


Hi Vel, many thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive answer !
I am Julia Rhodes, principal colon hydro therapist with West London Colonics.
I am posting an extract from my recent answer to a readers question since it is also relevant to this question. Forgive this being posted as a comment; the facility to post as a fresh answer appears to have been disabled.

‘Once you have looked at reviews, and seen the blogs and articles on the web about other people’s experiences with colonics, you will be better equipped to consider your own criteria (what’s important to you). Get clear on them, and you’ll have better luck choosing the right clinic, and therapist, for you. By the way, here are some things we know our clients look for:

Service standards, up to date equipment, disposable accessories, discernibly high cleanliness standards, en -suite toilet/changing facilities, purpose built clinic, easy travelling dynamics, free parking; flexible opening hours, value for money for repeat clients not just for new ones, ambience; therapists knowledge and experience (and willingness to share it); a good table-side manner, a good range of colonics related additional services (enemas, probiotics, herbs and the like), being comfortable with the competence of the therapist, and trusting their integrity to act in clients interests... the list can go on.

Bear in mind that not every clinic will hit the sweet spot for you.
For instance, using West London Colonics as an example, we would not be the best choice for someone wanting a spa-type environment where they could chill out for a few hours after a session. That’s not part of our offering at all. Other things being equal, we would be a good choice for those committed to their health, and needing or wanting to put an end to their digestive ills (understanding full well that colonics are an adjunct approach). 

Do consider location as well, particularly if you already are pretty sure you would want to have a number of sessions. Many of WLCs clients travel from all parts of London to get to us, but if travelling is difficult, it is best to check out clinics more local to you.
Make compliance with your chosen strategies for health recovery/ maintenance as easy as possible to do. Taking up a great offer with a clinic you won’t use thereafter (because the location isn’t convenient) isn’t usually a good use of your money or time, no matter how good the initial deal. 

Some deals don’t give you the opportunity to talk to the therapist. 
(And I do mean the therapist, not the receptionist).
Personally, I would always advocate at least a short conversation with them before you commit. This would especially be true if you have a specific problem or condition that you want help with. 

Can they potentially help you? What’s the basis for their view? Are they promising a cure? (Not a good sign, as colonics are adjunct health based approach, not a medical intervention). Some colon hydro therapists will not give you much time in this initial phone call, preferring to address detailed issues in the consultation, which of course is right. But if they are a little brusque then you should see that as a poor sign’.
WLC Wahanda page:
Thanks, Julia