Is Braziian blow dry suitabe for a 9 year old? Is there chemicals involved ?

Asked by Vivoca

7 answers

Top answer
Brazilian Blowdry are suitable for all ages, most good makes don't contain any chemicals only keratin, which is the fibre our hair is made from, the blow-dry part produces the product in the hair to steam, so ventilation and a well aired room is important. This treatment conditions and takes away frizz, but is not a perminate straightening treatment.
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Brazilian blow dry is a treatment like any other in hair dressing.
So yes I should say it suitable for kids ages from about 12years
Such services shouldn't be recommended for young children. It's also not true what is said by tonireeves that the only ingredient is keratin. This is a very narrow view of the product. It's up to you really, but as a Sassoon trained professional I recommend that a 9 year old does not have such processes. LauraDutraHairDesigner gives the best advice as my viewpoint is a personal one and she speaks the truth with regards researching the product as they are not all natural at all, just claim to be.
Hi, Yes it is perfectly safe as there are no chemicals in my product
Thank you
My company uses La Brasillia products and they recommend seven year olds and older can have the treatment.
There are no chemicals involved, just keratin and collegen.
Hope that answers your question.
If She was my child I would not do it , because they are too young to tolerate the chemicals in a product which you have to cary on your head for three or four days
Hi there, personally I don’t see why not. There are relaxers for children and this treatment is not any different.
Only question is WHY? If it is really beneficial then I would consider it. I wouldn't do it just for a vanity.
There isn't long lasting effect like colour - it will wash out after 3-4 months. As to the chemicals - of course there are some. If you decide to go for it make sure the room is well ventilated.
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