We all know there’s nothing like spinning to whip your body into shape before a holiday, but boy do we need some serious encouragement to do it. “It’s proven that spinning is the most efficient way to burn fat,” says Hilary Gilbert, founder of BOOM Cycle and the poster girl for the spinning class, with the kind of healthy glow, toned body and radiant skin that would make even Jennifer Aniston envious. “It’s the quickest way to stay lean and healthy,” she continues, ‘but it also has multiple beauty and health benefits, such as increasing your confidence and sense of wellbeing – as well as giving you model-esque skin due to the detoxifying effects of working up a serious sweat.” With an average burn per class of 700 calories, and many people burning off 1200 calories per class, there’s nothing like the intensity of spinning to add a dose of va va voom to your daily routine. “Spinning is about being happy, being healthy and feeling awesome,” explains Hilary who has the infectious energy and sunny outlook you’d expect from someone getting her full dose of endorphins.
By Isabel Dexter
1 She looks like she's had a good night's beauty sleep
“Spinning works your body so hard that you have the best nights sleep of your life,” says Hilary. “Especially the first few times you do it. All those endorphins make for sweet dreams too and a real sense of achievement.” Often you don't even realise how hard you're working your body during the class, it's only afterwards that you realise you've done yourself proud – and burned off last night's cocktails! And afterwards you sleep like a baby.” Just bring on the beauty benefits we say…
2 She's happier and more confident than your average girl
The psychological benefits of exercise are well known but the high-intensity nature of spinning, combined with its muscle toning effects, creates a rush of endorphins that will instantly lift your mood. “I love how spinning can help you control your perspective and your mood. Like most people I'm always busy and can get pretty stressed and irritable”, admits Hilary, “but a spinning class has a 360 degree effect on my mood. By track 2 or 3 I've solved any problems that were niggling at me and everything seems sunnier”. The knock on effect is that you find yourself becoming a more positive, balanced and relaxed person. “When you feel happier and like you can do anything, you give off a completely different vibe,” says Hilary. And afteral, your vibe attracts your tribe…
3 She's the one with glowing skin and shiny hair
“You are going to sweat,” warns Hilary with a smile, “a lot. It's a fantastic detox. Afterwards you feel cleansed and completely detoxified, as though you've been in the steam room.” Expect ultra-glowing skin and a clear complexion. Scientific studies show that sweating not only removes impurities from your skin, but can help protect it from bacteria like e.coli and staphylococcus aureus by secreting a rather nifty natural antibiotic called dermcidin, which purifies your pores for clean, fresh, clear skin. And nothing makes you sweat like spinning! “I advise clients to remove their makeup before the class. It's all in the dark anyway so you don't need to feel self-conscious. As you're spinning, the heat and sweat will open your pores and give you a super healthy glow! Clients are often amazed by the difference it makes to their skin.”
4 She's ultra zen - without needing to meditate!
Stress is one of the worst causes of illness in the UK and most of us admit to feeling low-level anxiety frequently. Meditation can help create feelings of calm and well being, but while most of us have good intentions to meditate, we either don't quite get the hang of it, or find it difficult to carve out the time. “Spinning is true escapism because you simply can't concentrate on anything else when you're doing it,” explains Hilary. “You're in a dark room with the light on the teacher, there's loud music – the music is very loud in a spin class – and you can't think, you just move.” The sense of being totally focused on just one thing, in this case your spin class, works like meditation to focus your mind and empty it of any mental clutter or anxiety.
5 She looks great in her clothes - and in her skin
It's not rocket science, but if you're toned and your clothes fit well, you'll look and feel a hundred times better. The lure of spinning is that it makes this goal achievable for everyone, whatever their age, weight or body shape. “You have to work hard, but it's high intensity training so you tone up and slim down far quicker than with any other form of exercise, including running,” says Hilary. The classes aim to tone your muscles, strengthen your core and improve your overall fitness. “As well as exercises to strengthen your back and your core, we use weights for the arms,” adds Hilary. “There's a lot of switching positions too, which means you're improving your balance and toning your middle, pretty much constantly,” she continues. Now where do we sign up?