We think the reputation of acrylic nails sometimes takes a bit of an unfair bashing. And since they can’t speak up and defend themselves, we’re doing it for them. We’re nice like that.
1 Myth 1: acrylics damage natural nails
It’s bad techniques that can harm your nails, not the treatment itself. So it's worth finding a good salon and a beautician you trust. Once you do find that person who can create the kind of smooth tips that are worthy of an engagement announcement on Instagram, hold onto them. Tight. As for those bad techniques, you just need to keep your eyes open. Watch out for salons using dirty tools or a technician who seems like they're rushing.
2 Myth 2: nails need to breathe
Our nails are made of keratin – a protein made of dead cells – and no amount of oxygen is going to revive them. And if our nails were alive, we’re not sure getting a mani would be such a pleasant experience. The nutrients our nails need for good health actually come from our bloodstream, not the air, so exposing them in all their naked glory won't make a difference to their condition.
3 Myth 3: you'll need a second mortgage to finance them
The best things in life are affordable. Three or four weeks after you've had your nails done, you've got a couple of choices: either get them infilled or removed. Experts recommend getting them infilled every two weeks, to fill where your natural nail is growing. And if you want them off, stay strong and resist the temptation to pick at them – it can damage your nail cells. Pop back into the salon and get them professionally removed – you should expect change from a twenty.