The Spa: for some a place to relax, reflect and de-stress, for others, a chance to sip (we said sip) champagne, pig out on scones and catch up with friends. As part of our monthly ‘At the salon with’ series we took a trip to Champney’s Tring with Creative Director (and self-confessed spa junkie) Alexandra St Amour. Here’s the inside scoop on her spa rituals, go-to treatments and secret spa-behaviour.
After your own spa experience? Lucky it’s Spa-tember again- like September, but better – which means you can find spa exclusives you won’t find anywhere else. Find them now.
1 Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do?
I’m a Creative Director working in fashion e-commerce in New York City. I started my career in fashion in 2007 in London working in luxury fashion advertising. After freelancing for a bit, in 2010 I began at the e-commerce luxury site NET-A-PORTER – I became Creative director of Social Commerce in 2013 and launched the social network 'The NET SET' alongside Natalie Massenet. In 2015 I moved to New York with my husband to take on the position of Creative Director at a leading online fashion retailer.
2 What’s your go-to spa treatment?
I definitely go for treatments that are relaxing as a preference. My day to day is invigorating enough! My go-to spa treatment(s) are as follows in order: pedicure (I have them once a month and always add on a cheeky foot massage before polish), aromatherapy full body massage (although I always fall asleep!) and a facial with extraction (so satisfying!)
3 What time are we most likely to find you at the spa?
I’m a post work booker for sure. I like to get treatments at the end of the day to relax and unwind. If away on a weekend break where spa treatments are involved I'll usually go for a later appointment for the same reason. It preps you very well for a long and rested night's sleep.
4 What’s your signature spa style?
Oversized fluffy towel robe, soft slippers, top bun and making sure hair removal across the board has recently occurred!
5 Best tip for getting the most out of your spa-time?
If you really want to switch off, don’t bring your phone in with you. Stow it away in your locker. Focus on the moment, on being there and the lovely treatments you’re getting rather than everyday worries and stress. Doing some really deep breathing in the sauna also helps.
6 Do you spa alone? Or like a bit of company?
I like going with other people. It's a fun experience to share. First on the list would definitely be my sister and mum, (we always book in for a spa day whenever all 3 of us are in the same city – it's a tradition now!) so in place of that, going with my husband is great fun too.
7 Do you like to sit and read or have a glass of Champagne? What's your dream lunch order while there?
I like to focus on being there and enjoying the facilities and treatments rather than reading. I'll never say no to a glass of champagne, and my dream lunch would be a lobster salad.
8 Funniest or most embarrassing spa experience?
This would have to be the time when after finishing a particularly relaxing massage once I was in such a sleepy state, after the therapist left I feel asleep again and she had to come back in 15 minutes later to see what was going on!
9 What’s your most recent in spa discovery?
Along with Champneys of course, the facilities at The Akasha Spa at Hotel Cafe Royal are my absolute fave. Their indoor pool is out of this world, and their lunch menu is to die for. And when I'm out of town, there is an incredible spa I go to without fail when I work in LA called 'El Leon' it specializes in thai massage and treatments, primarily where little old ladies walk on your back and pummel you for 90 minutes with their feet. It takes you a minute to get used to the technique but once you get into it, it's amazing.
10 How do you fit in ‘me’ time into your busy work and life schedule?
My monthly pedicure is definitely something I always make time for – I usually do it on a Friday after work which sets me up for the weekend and is a nice reward after a long work week. I also have my hair color appointment religiously booked in every 3 months which is at an amazing Japanese salon in Brooklyn where they serve the most delicious Japanese iced tea while getting your hair done. That's always a great time to switch off and catch up on all the trashy magazines!
11 Best beauty tip?
Take off your makeup before bed. Wear sunscreen and moisturize.
12 What’s in your handbag?
My iPhone, rose lip-balm, concealer, hankie (my liberty print one is always with me – I have a good collection of them) pill box, (I get migraines a lot) mini Aesop hand sanitizer (NYC Subways – yuk) lots of headbands, and wireless headphones.
13 3 hero products you couldn’t live without?
Glossier Rose, Clarins Anti-Pollution Cream Cleanser, Santa Maria Novella Rose Water.