Festival beauty is a serious business. With more photo ops than a red carpet situation, the pressure is on to look fresh, flawless and festi-cool at all times. This requires a combination of stealth beauty treatments, savvy product packing and time-saving tricks that will have you coasting through the festival season looking cooler than Kate in her muddy wellies. But don't take … [Read more...] about 7 ways to festival proof your beauty regime
The bridal bootcamp facial
Your wedding countdown is officially on - you’ve got a month to go and like every bride, you want your skin to look amazing. One small problem, you’ve totally neglected your complexion and now you need a fix, and fast. This is where A-list skincare specialist Chelsee Lewis comes in - just one session with her and you’ll be guaranteed to have wedding-ready skin, no matter how … [Read more...] about The bridal bootcamp facial
10 next level beauty treatments every bride should try
Your wedding is just weeks away and you’ve prepped and preened for months. You’ve booked your highlights, nailed your bridal manicure and got your fitness regime is down to a T, so what else is there left to do? Well actually there’s plenty - if you really want to push the boat out in time for your big day that is. For the bride who mean business we’ve created a master list of … [Read more...] about 10 next level beauty treatments every bride should try
How to get the most out of your massage
Ever uttered the words, “I really need a massage”? Well the truth is, you may very well need one right now. Hovering over your laptop, scanning instagram on your commute on the train, devouring the latest Scandi Noir novel on your kindle, means you are carrying a multitude of stresses in your shoulders, upper back and lower back too. “I see so many people coming in with tension … [Read more...] about How to get the most out of your massage
Super charged breakfast bowl ideas
If you’re looking for some wholesome and easy-to-achieve breakfast inspiration you’ve come to the right place. Bag yourself a mid week energy kick, power up your protein intake and pack in your five a day with one of our favourite, healthiest (and prettiest!) breakfast bowls. So wave bye bye to sad toast and soggy porridge - one trip to Whole Foods later and you’ll have an … [Read more...] about Super charged breakfast bowl ideas