Newsflash: All-over colour found dead - and these looks killed it. Sweet peach, baby blue - we’ve pretty much worked our way through the entire spectrum of the rainbow. This is how Instagram’s coolest are wearing colour-pop hair. By Beth Ludolf … [Read more...] about All-over colour is out, this is how cool people are doing colour-pop hair
This might be the reason your colour faded quickly
There’s nothing more annoying than spending 3+ hours in the salon chair (and not to mention your hard-earned cash), for your colour to fade in a matter of weeks. The culprit? Well, it could be your shampoo. We spoke to Warren Boodaghian, Head of Technical at HOB Salons, who told us that the products you use before your appointment are just as important as afterwards. By … [Read more...] about This might be the reason your colour faded quickly
An expert told us why we should try a hammam ritual (spoiler: you’re going to want to too)
The idea of having someone else clean and scrub your body may feel a little strange but it’s been a part of Moroccan culture for hundreds of year. And things that have been around for that long tend to be pretty good, right? *Googles when wine was invented*. We spoke to Zara Williams from The Spa in Dolphin Square about why everyone should try a hammam cleansing ritual. By … [Read more...] about An expert told us why we should try a hammam ritual (spoiler: you’re going to want to too)
You’re going to be seeing these hair trends everywhere
The year is 2009. Your parting is basically level with your right ear. Your sweeping fringe is enviable. You look in the mirror and backcomb your hair for the fifteenth time that morning. Life is good. Ahh, hair trends. You have the power to make us do such questionable things. We talked to Senior Creative Director, Craig Taylor, and Senior Creative Colourist, Francesca … [Read more...] about You’re going to be seeing these hair trends everywhere
So, what actually is glossing?
You know when someone has really great hair? I mean the kind of hair that is so great that it doesn’t matter if the eyeliner they applied on the Piccadilly line is super wonky or if there’s toothpaste down their jumper, they still somehow look totally put together. Every single one of these people has had glossing (obviously I don’t know that to be true but I can’t think of a … [Read more...] about So, what actually is glossing?