What a week. Turns out, 36 degrees is an actual, real-life, UK possibility, and you really can eat a Magnum ice cream every day (guilty.as.charged). So, aside from slathering on the Factor 50, what's been going down in the Treatwell office? Fade haircuts, blonde maintenance, and dealing with pesky ingrowns. Missed a post? Worry not. Here's our top five from the … [Read more...] about The top 5 posts from this week (that you really need to read)
Read this and you could be free from ingrown hairs forever
If you’ve ever suffered with ingrown hairs, you’ll understand my constant annoyance (and desperate desire to pluck ‘em out). The frustrating byproduct in the quest of hair removal, ingrowns occur when waxed or shaved hair grows back sideways, or curls inward, and leaves a red, itchy bump behind. Is there anything we can do to get rid? Actually, yes. Here’s how to deal with … [Read more...] about Read this and you could be free from ingrown hairs forever
Look (semi) permanently fresh with these make-up treatments
Don't get us wrong: sometimes we've got all the time in the world for makeup. Like when we've got a big event on a Saturday and we start getting ready from about 3pm (read: 12pm). Isn't that what cloudy afternoons were made for? More often than not though, we'd rather roll out of bed looking like we've done it in our sleep. Semi-permanent makeup is a bit of a life hack – … [Read more...] about Look (semi) permanently fresh with these make-up treatments
From cell damage to dark spots: is your phone wrecking your skin?
The rules of ‘anti-ageing’ are never ending: avoid sunbeds, keep your skin moisturised, always use SPF (yes, even in England). Though we’re all for embracing those laughter lines – signs of a good time, if you ask me – there’s bad news afoot for our skin: recent studies suggest that the blue light emitted from our phone and laptop screens could be causing premature ageing. … [Read more...] about From cell damage to dark spots: is your phone wrecking your skin?
4 things men need to know about the Hollywood wax (yes, men)
You might already know that the male version of the famous Hollywood wax has arrived – complete with its own legion of die-hard fans. If this is news to you, celebrate: this male waxing treatment leaves you smooth, supple and hair-free for up to six weeks. Now we reckon that's better than a rushed trim with the clippers. Here are four things you need to know. … [Read more...] about 4 things men need to know about the Hollywood wax (yes, men)