After a 40-hour working week, the idea of spending an afternoon in a Middle Eastern, rose-infused, invigorating spa sounds intriguing. Hammam is a popular Turkish tradition that dates way back to 600AD. It’s believed to help not only with sleeping, but also with muscle relaxation, and if you’re yet to lie on a marble slab and be coated in fragrant frothy bubbles, you’ve got to … [Read more...] about The Turkish Hammam in London – what to expect, and where to go
The best facials in London
If there’s one thing our Group Beauty Director Liz Hambleton has had a lot of, it’s facials. From a professional peel to a 24 Karat Gold skin smoother, here she walks you through her favourite facials in London... … [Read more...] about The best facials in London
4 weddings and an outfit: how to recycle your wedding look without anyone noticing
Like Keira Knightley – who’s stepped out in her Chanel wedding dress numerous times since tying the knot – everyone wants an excuse to wear a beloved outfit more than once. Unlike Keira, our budgets don’t give us much choice in the matter – and with four weddings in one summer, if it’s a different friendship group, you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll be re-wearing. Here’s … [Read more...] about 4 weddings and an outfit: how to recycle your wedding look without anyone noticing
5 low-maintenance haircuts that never go out of style
Trends come and go, but a signature hairstyle can last forever. As in, with regular cuts. We'd go so far as to call these easy-to-maintain cuts 'timeless'. Plus, as they're low maintenance, you'll basically look like you've just left the salon even if you've barely lifted a finger. … [Read more...] about 5 low-maintenance haircuts that never go out of style
4 (secret) facts about the power of hot stone massage
Secret as in that not everyone knows about them. Not the kind of secrets that you know, you're totally sworn to silence on. Like your bestie's work crush, or exactly how much of that giant Galaxy bar you had last night (it's fine, you left at least two squares). You may have already guessed that there's more to the indulgent hot stone massage than a bit of relaxation – and … [Read more...] about 4 (secret) facts about the power of hot stone massage