Christmas seems to get earlier every year, doesn’t it? The street decorations go up, the piped renditions of Jingle Bells are everywhere, and Mariah Carey unveiled her tree in September, which is just rude when you think about it. All of it conspires to make us panicked about what presents to buy. We waste so much time stressing, and then it all comes down to a last-minute dash to a department store on Christmas Eve when we over-compensate madly and pile high our shopping baskets with polyester mermaid slankets and state-of-the-art juicers that no-one really wants. So this Christmas, why not think about giving a gift that lasts beyond Boxing Day?
By Elizabeth Day
1 Massage
If you think you’re just being indulgent by giving your friend a massage for Christmas, then think again. Massage can help lower heart rates and cortisol and increase ‘happy’ neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, so you’re giving the gift of health and relaxation too.
2 A home-baked cake
In the era of Bake Off and Paul Hollywood’s piercing blue gaze and straining blue shirts, what could be a better way of showing you care than taking the time to bake someone a cake? Find out whether they prefer lemon drizzle or coffee and walnut, and then set to work. Personalise the icing, et voila – a consumable Christmas gift in the best way possible.
3 A charity donation
Our consumption of material goods has become so pathological that we’re actually harming the environment. Only one per cent of gifts bought will remain in use six months after sale. These days, things go out of fashion quicker than you can say ‘inbuilt obsolescence’. By making a charity donation to an organisation close to your loved one’s heart, you are truly giving a gift that lasts – and one which helps the planet too.
4 A spa day for two
Arrange a luxurious spa day with your mother or closest female friend. It’s what you’ll both need after the manic festive period. And if there is a better way to recover from the onslaught of turkey and mince pies than lying poolside, in a fluffy robe, surrounded by the fragrant scent of aromatherapy oils, then I have yet to hear of it.
5 Adopt an animal
Does your friend have a favourite wild animal? Then contact a wildlife charity and see if you can ‘adopt’ one. Your purchase will contribute to conserving the natural world. Your friend will receive a cute picture of a tiger called Bertie (maybe). We’re all winners.
6 A gift card
The truly selfless act: a gift card that your loved one can use however they see fit. It can be for books, manicures, exfoliating body-wraps or even a race-car driving experience around Silverstone (apparently some people like that kind of thing). Whatever you get, enjoy the fact that your friend will love it, feel better about themselves and there’ll be no unwanted bread-maker to throw out on come New Year’s Eve.
7 Home-made jam
Because nothing says ‘I love you’ like boiling up a whole heap of stewed fruit and sugar. There is truly something charming about receiving a home-made pot of jam for Christmas, complete with personalised label and gingham covering. The process of making jam from scratch is also strangely meditative so you’ll get something out of it too. It’s a far more thoughtful gift than a polyster slanket (and less flammable too).