Confessions all round: I’ve been an eyebrow waxer since ’08 (my estimate of the year brows became a ‘thing’). It was habit to slink into the salon, ask for a tidy up, and await the strip application. Sure, things looked fine, excess hair was removed and my sunglasses were positioned to hide the raccoon stripe of red stamped on my forehead (even in -10 North Eastern temperatures, FYI), but I was so darn intrigued by the world of threading. Researching and writing about it’s popularity, and envying a number of pals with sharp, distinct brow shapes, it was time to succumb. Ladies and gents, I’ll never look back – allow me to convert you too.
By Rachel Spedding
1 It's really not that painful
If you're used to waxing, this really won't shock you pain-wise. I actually find tweezing to be far more painful – each individual hair plucked more painfully than the last (how?). The thread process is so swift that you'll only wince once or twice (if at all) before your perfectly preened brows are ready to go.
2 You can expect to sneeze
Is this just me*? Every time since starting to thread I'm thirty seconds in before the sneezing starts.
*Confirmed – this happens to many of us. Apparently beauticians are always prepped for the sniffles to start, just give them warning (and bring a Kleenex along). It's thought to be explained by the nerve that connects the face to brain. In short, plucking triggers it. Science, eh.
3 Yes, you need to pull your eyelids
Sounds weird the first time (and I definitely doubted my own behaviour when doing so), but you will be asked to 'stretch' the skin by pressing gently on your lid and pulling in the opposite direction of the brows. This keeps your skin taught, and makes for a less painful hair pull.
4 It lasts around three weeks
Though that depends on your hair growth. Threading as a hair removal technique lasts around the same time as waxing, though the more defined shape will allow for easier between-salon-trips tweezing of cheeky rogues.
5 You can do it on your lunch break
I mean it is seriously quick. By some miracle, I have found that the redness is very minimal with threading (as a natural redhead with emulsion-pale skin, redness shows), so this is a big deal. In and out on my lunch break with 'handled' brows, and still time to munch my packed lunch. Winning.
6 Your brows will look sensational
I'll fly the flag high for threading on this one. Your brows will look incredible, no exceptions. The technique can grab the shortest of hairs for the most precise pull every time. You can keep your brows as trim or fluffy as you'd like, as the thread can be directed to really specific areas. I implore you to try it, and be welcomed to a world of dreamy brows you never thought possible. I am so smug right now.
With Treatwell, you can book beauty online at all your favourite salons – simple, hassle-free, and you can do it on the go. Discover amazing salons in your area for your next wax.