We’re told to wear SPF every day, that it prevents skin damage, ageing, and lobster-red skin situs, but what exactly is it? Maybe you struggled to listen to this bit in science lessons, or the whole number/star system has gotten too tricky to keep track of. Unlike many skincare products, you can tell exactly what your sun cream is doing, just by looking at the bottle (factor, star rating, the whole lot), so to get you all clued up on covering up, it’s time for a lesson in SPF.
By Rachel Spedding
1 UV, who?
Facts, facts, facts. UVA is linked to cell ageing and long-term skin dangers, but not considered as harmful as UVB; that’s the radiation emitted from the sun that causes sunburn and direct damage to the DNA of our cells. It’s often linked to most types of skin cancer. FYI, the ‘v’ part, that describes the radiation, and it’s invisible.
2 How does it work?
'Sun protection factor’ – that’s what SPF stands for. The ‘factor’ refers to the ability of the sun cream to block UVB rays (it’s not linked to temperature, or strength of the sun – easy mistake). Everyone should use sun protection, even if your skin tans easily and rarely burns. Even a tan can result in damage to the skin’s cells – that UV radiation is to blame.
3 Which factor should I choose?
Time to get maths-y. There’s a broad spectrum of SPF from factor 2 – factor 50+, so which to choose? With SPF 15, only 1 in 15 UVB rays will meet your skin, that means a protection of around 93%. SPF 30, only 1 in every 30 rays will reach you, that’s around 97% protection. Lastly, the crème de la crème of creams, SPF 50+ – 1 in every 50 rays – that’s 98% protection.
4 Will it affect my skin?
If you have oily, or acne-prone skin, it’s a good idea to stick to water-based sunscreen. Look for formula that cuts out alcohol and fragrance as these are kinder on sensitive skin, while ‘non-comedogenic’ creams won’t clog pores. Make sure to properly cleanse once you’re back in from the sunshine to help prevent future breakouts. But go easy, your skin is gentle, folks.
5 It's good to know
Make sure to look out for the star system as well as SPF number: this indicates UVA protection. Go for four stars are above. Factor 50+ with a five-star rating = the dream combo.
Though you may save five minutes rubbing-in tme, the formula doesn’t always provide the cover it claims. Worth the risk? Never.
Apply your sun cream at least 30 minutes before heading out. If you’ll be out in the sun for a while, apply once more before heading out. Two tablespoons is the proper amount for the whole body.
If it’s a tan you’re after, just go spray tan – your skin will thank you for it.
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