Micro what? Ok, we get it, anything with the term ‘blade’ in the title can seem a little scary, but before you start imagining Edward Scissorhands wreaking havoc on your face, let us and micro blading expert Suman Jalaf of Suman Brows, explain what this new brow enhancing technique is really all about. From over-plucked brows, to invisible arches, to gappy brows that just won’t fill out no matter how much brow-boosting serum your apply; there’s nothing this semi-permanent make-up technique can’t fix. Here’s everything you need to know and trust us, you’re going to want to try it after reading this….
By Jo Hoare
1 It’s a natural brow fix - you won't look like a Geordie Shore extra.
It’s similar to tattooing but oh so much more natural in effect. Instead of a needle, a tiny hand held blade loaded with pigment is used to draw on feathery, hair like strokes that are so close to the real thing, she promises no one will be able to tell – Suman says it’s all about colours and pigment to get the most realistic look. “It’s easy to keep secret, no one has to know unless you want to tell them”, she explains. And because it’s not a block colour, it doesn’t look as harsh. Suman knows clients can be concerned about looking fake, “If people are worried, I show them my work or they look at my own brows and then they’re fine! Your consultation is so important to discuss shades and shapes so make sure you spend time on this” she advises.
2 You'll never need to pencil in your brows again
It's a total life changer for anyone who pencils in their brows on a daily basis but even for those of us who like to go a few shades darker, it can be quite dark when you first have it. Full disclosure; there will be a few days after your initial treatment when the colour looks pretty dark. Don’t panic, it won’t stay that shade and this should only last a couple of days. “Have it done when you can hibernate for a few days, or before a weekend when you haven’t got much on” Suman suggests. Some people have even reported it taking up to a week to fully settle into the desired shade so because of this, Suman advises having it done ten days before a big occasion, like a wedding, and the same amount of time before a holiday. A few days down time has to be worth not worrying about your brows sliding off mid 'I do', right?
3 It doesn’t hurt!
As we said – it’s sounds a little terrifying, which is why Suman has changed the name of the service she offers. “I call it eyebrow embroidery, as of course micro blading can sound scary. It’s an easier way to explain it to my clients” Suman admits. And she promises it’s pain free; “I use a numbing cream on you then let that work for 40 minutes before starting. No one has been in pain with me yet!” She admits it can be a little tender afterwards, it is still a needle after all, but says the feeling is only comparable to a slight ‘paper cut’ feel and that soon goes. If you experience any redness after the treatment, you can cover it up straight away with a mineral foundation.
4 It’s great for hair loss or scars
It’s perfect for clients with alopecia, cancer treatment related brow loss or eyebrow scars (yes, even including that missing patch from an ill advised eyebrow ring you got when you were going through that alternative phase at uni). “I have lots of clients coming to me with chemotherapy hair loss", she explains, "it works for them because it’s so natural and bespoke, every treatment I do is different, specifically tailored to that person and their face.” It’s also brilliant for adding symmetry, so if you’ve overplucked one brow in the past or one has always been a little shorter or thinner, microblading is the best way to even them out.
5 Cara Delevigne has it!
If there are better brows out there right now, we’ve yet to meet them. So when we heard that not only does Cara rely on the technique, but Suman is the therapist who does them, we were sold. She even has clients that fly in especially from Saudi Arabia to have this treatment by her. Fancy trying it? A few more things to know; the amount of time your brows will last can vary depending on your skin type, “Oily skins will fade faster so there’s no definitive time they will last, but I say 12-18 months is right for most people” Suman explains. You’ll also need to revisit after six weeks for a top up, so make sure you’re around for that too.