Who else feels like a fraud booking the sports massage, when the closest you get to physical activity is an 8-hour Netflix viewing marathon? Just because Olympic medalists are addicted to this treatment doesn’t mean your (less-than) average gym-user can’t get involved too. If you’re into your fitness classes, you’ll get a performance-enhancing boost. And well, if you can’t tell the difference between a treadmill and a tricep bar, sports massage still has major benefits. So whether or not you’re embarking on a certain lengthy run this weekend (props to London marathoners), here’s why you should make time for a massage.
1 It's a good match for paracetamol
Got a pounding headache? Studies have shown that bare-handed massages can reduce chronic tension headaches. Sports massage is all about skin-to-skin contact, and it also feels nicer than popping a couple of pills. Massage can also reduce stress, which is one of the causes of tension headaches in the first place.
2 It can help soft tissue strains
While we give daily thanks to our Smartphones (literally, where in the world would we be without Citymapper?), we'll confess they can leave us with aching forearms. Step up, the sports massage. It’s designed for soft tissue issues (the skin, muscles, tendons) that are caused by repetitive and strenuous activity. (That includes texting your bestie every five minutes of the day.).
3 One day, maybe, you might be a pro-athlete
Or, maybe, you might not be. But we can dream. Either way, it’s not called a sports massage for nothing. The muscle kneading (known in the business as 'petrissage') that takes place on the massage table can help improve your mobility and flexibility, regardless of how fit you are. That's just as beneficial day-to-day as it is on a twenty-minute jog at the weekend. Tokyo 2020, here we come.