If you’ve ever suffered with ingrown hairs, you’ll understand my constant annoyance (and desperate desire to pluck ‘em out). The frustrating byproduct in the quest of hair removal, ingrowns occur when waxed or shaved hair grows back sideways, or curls inward, and leaves a red, itchy bump behind. Is there anything we can do to get rid? Actually, yes. Here’s how to deal with ingrowns – pre and post depilation.
By Danielle Petch
1 Get scrubbing
The key to all good hair removal is in the prep. Clogged skin cells are one of the biggest culprits of ingrown hairs, so exfoliating skin beforehand will get rid of that dead skin layer lurking on the surface (otherwise, it'll inhibit hairs from growing back freely). Though weekly exfoliation is a must, make sure to get scrubbing at least a day or two before your wax appointment for best results (hey, it’s a good excuse to spend an evening chilling in the bath).
2 Step away from the razor
Sure, shaving is convenient, but it can make skin more prone to ingrown hairs than other forms for hair removal. Blame the technique: shaving cuts hairs at an angle, that means they can poke back into the skin (nice), thus – developing ingrowns. We’d suggest chucking the razor, booking in a wax and leaving it to the professionals. Or, if you’re looking for a longer-lasting solution laser hair removal can get rid of hair forever – so long ingrowns (see you never).
3 If you are going to shave...
It’s important how you do it. Make sure to use shaving cream and a clean, sharp razor (not that back-shelf lurker in your bathroom cabinet). This will help keep the area moisturised and allow the blade to glide easily across your skin (shaving rash is too darn itchy to handle). When shaving, always do so in the same direction as the hair growth (this means moving the blade downwards); going against the grain can cause hair to be cut at a sharper angle leading to – yep – those previously mentioned ingrowns.
4 Do your homework
Between appointments, continue to exfoliate weekly (but remember to wait 48 hours post wax/shave). For extra measure, an ingrown hair solution (like this one) will help to eliminate dead skin cells and encourage proper regrowth. Lastly, if you do find yourself dealing with an ingrown – put the tweezers down. Tempting as it is, this can lead to inflamed skin or infection, and most minor ingrown hairs will eventually disappear in time.
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