You might spend hours (sorry, minutes) in front of the mirror doing your hair, and maybe you’d rather turn up late than skip the beard trim. Or, maybe you’re channeling the just-got-out-of-bed look. Either way, we’re betting your feet are pretty low down the agenda of your grooming ritual. Getting a proper pedicure will keep them clean, soft and healthy, and here’s how.
1 Soaking softens the skin
Most pedicures begin with a luxurious warm foot bath. This softens the skin, gets blood flowing and helps you to relax. Added bonus: it also cleans your feet. That's handy if you were starting to feel a bit awkward about the fact you can't remember the last time you gave them a really thorough scrub.
2 Clipping and cleaning keeps nails tidy
Your technician will clip them into shape and gently moisturise the cuticles. This skin at the base of your nails can get painful and ragged if it dries out, so this bit's important. They'll then gently remove any dirt that's trapped under your toenails. And if you weren't sold on the bit about moisturising and softening, remember that trimming back your nails can stop them breaking or splintering if the sports field's your favourite place to be on a Saturday.
3 Scrubbing gets your feet looking – OK, presentable
Polished toenails might never have been on your wish list, but you'll be surprised how satisfying it can be to have them looking almost – well, glossy. The (slightly ticklish) next step of the pedicure involves a good scrub with a pumice stone. This helps to get rid of callouses and dry, dead skin. Once the tough stuff has been sloughed away, your feel will look as good as new. Or at least, presentable.
4 The grand finale: a foot massage feels like bliss
They save the best for last. Soothing, softening lotions get massaged into your feet, getting the blood flowing and leaving you feeling like you've just arrived in heaven. If you're willing, add a bit of clear polish for a subtle shine, or go for a buff to add a bit of sheen to the nails.
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