The new shoe trends are going to make you want to get on this stat! Platform mules and slip on flats will be everywhere this Spring and your heels need to be ready for it. But cracked heels aren’t just an unwelcome sight come sandal season, the extreme dryness can be so acute that even walking on them can be incredibly painful. While everyone can experience cracked heels, particularly in the winter months, they’re usually caused by several combined factors; lack of hydration, failing to moisturise and even some medical conditions can all play their part. The good news though, is that while the road to foot salvation may not necessarily be a quick one there are plenty of options out there to help them heal. We got the lowdown from Sonia Hully, founder of Nailberry…
By Georgia Day
1 Understand the causes
Cracked heels or heel fissures occur when feet are extremely dry. ‘We have a tendency to neglect our feet’, says Sonia. ‘Heels can crack when pressure is applied over an extended period of time while we’re exercising or walking in high heels. This can become more painful and problematic as the cracks deepen, so it’s important to keep your feet hydrated.’
2 At-home help
A good maintenance routine is essential for preventing cracks. To soften the skin before moisturiser, soak your feet in warm water, either in your bath or in a homemade foot spa and add a few drops of Lavender oil; its regenerative, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties will help soothe any soreness. Once your feet are softened, use a foot paddle to gently file away the dry skin on the affected areas.
3 Salon fixes
‘Paraffin wax treatments are particularly soothing for dry and rough feet. Or try a hardworking pedicure that includes exfoliation with a hot towel and a massage with moisturiser,’ suggests Sonia. Alternatively, callus peels are a great option for seriously compromised feet. A little like sheet masks loaded with softening fruit acids, the feet are wrapped and left to sit before being unpeeled. The hard skin is then scraped away and a rich foot cream applied.
4 Make moisture your motto
Daily hydration is a must. Increase your water intake to hydrate from the inside and try to get into the habit of taking your body cream down past your ankles after your bath or shower: ‘Apply an emollient foot cream daily to enhance the skin’s elasticity and to prevent deepening of cracks and hardening skin’, advises Sonia. If your feet are too neglected and basic moisturiser isn’t doing the trick, a pair of gel socks infused with goodness such as vitamin E can really help soften them over time. For an extra boost massage in a deeply hydrating oil such as coconut oil before you put them on and wear them every night in bed.
5 Ingredients intel
‘Urea is a particularly effective ingredient in foot creams, providing long-lasting hydration and enhancing cellular renewal,’ says Sonia; for enhanced efficacy, look for products that contain around 25% rather than the standard 10%. AHAs found in fruit acids are also particularly effective, according to Sonia. With the propensity to penetrate the hard skin on your feet, AHAs like glycolic and lactic acids exfoliate the skin deeply to reveal smoother skin over time. Next time you settle down for a marathon Netflix session, leave an exfoliating foot masque on to work its magic.