Never again. You said last time. Yet here we are. So you didn’t drink a glass of water for every drink, stick to the same alcohol and eat a sensible dinner before last night’s escapades, but don’t worry, all is not lost, if you’ve woken up with the hangover from hell there’s plenty of things you can do to help you feel more human. Good luck…
By Jo Hoare
1 Rehydrate rapidly
In an ideal world you’d have left two pint glasses of water next to your bed but let’s be realistic it was an achievement to make it to bed and not be found on the living room floor, so we’ll forgive the lack of foresight. It can be tough to force plain water in when you’re feeling nauseous so try a herbal tea, ginger or peppermint will help quell that sicky feeling.
2 Massage it away
If you’ve got a killer headache a soothing scalp massage will work wonders and a full body will release oxytocin, the happy hormone which can make your hangover feel less painful. It will also move blood around your body, encouraging your circulatory system which in turn makes your liver process the alcohol faster. Plus if you’ve fitted it in during your lunchbreak you might have time for a restorative nap on the table too.
3 Food, glorious food
As tempting as a fry up is, greasy food could make you feel worse. Fried food pre-booze helps as it insulates the stomach and stops the alcohol absorbing as much but the next day you need something to even out your blood sugar and give your liver a helping hand. Try porridge, eggs or bananas (not together, we’re not trying to make you throw up).
4 Get outside
We know a Netflix binge seems for the best but a bit of fresh air and natural light will help to awaken your system and can kick those hangover blues or ‘beer fear’ into touch too. Nothing too vigorous, you can’t afford to sweat out any more precious fluid but a briskish walk will put a stop that all day sluggish feeling.
5 Go pro
If all else fails and you need to feel better fast then borrow a hangover trick from medical students and try a rehydrating IV drip. A recovery infusion IV drip is a super speedy way to get fluids, salts and vitamins back in your body, you should start to feel better straight away and as long as you keep drinking water throughout your day it can see your hangover off for good.
6 Nap it up
One of the biggest contributors to the awful heavy-headedness feeling is simple tiredness. Even if you didn’t roll in at 4am and think you got to bed at a decent time alcohol still disrupts your sleep. Scout your office for anywhere you could grab 20 minutes after lunch- a gym towel on the floor in a stationary cupboard will do in a pinch…
7 Best foot forward
Is the thought of laying down for a full body massage making you feel sicker than a cross channel ferry in a force 10 gale? Try reflexology, your therapist can work on the reflex points on your feet that relate to your liver, kidneys, stomach and head to help flush out the toxins, reduce nausea and get rid of your headache.
8 Spaa-ahh
Got the day off after a big one? Pre-book yourself a spa day. Stay away from the sauna and steam until you’ve full rehydrated and hit the pools instead, going from hot to cold water increases circulation and toxin elimination plus it feels rejuvenating. Then head to the relaxation area for a snooze. Just make sure you help yourself to plenty of the fancy lemon and cucumber water to keep your fluid levels stocked up.
9 Get juicing
Drag out the juicer and chuck a combo of the following in for the ultimate hangover juice- or ideally get someone else to do it, no hungover person wants that mechanical grinding up in their face; beetroot- this helps cleanse the liver and detoxify alcohol toxins, carrots-aid the digestive system, green leafy veg for circulation, grapefruit for liver and kidneys.
10 It’s a wrap
If it’s a detox you’re after then there’s no better treatment than a body wrap. Every step, from the exfoliation and body brush to the cosy cocoon you’ll be wrapped in, is created to encourage toxins to leave your body, and as it’s all done laying down you can also fit in a few zz’s. Drink plenty of water before and after for best results.
11 Pose it out
No one is suggesting that a Bikram session would be a good idea but a few gentle yoga poses can help support your liver and kidneys , release toxins and calm your nervous system. Try the flat on your back Corpse Pose to revive, A Supine Twist to help your digestive system or Childs Pose for a headache. Best of all, all of these can be done in bed.