You’ve bitten the bullet, and gone for laser hair removal. (Those rumours you’ve heard about it banishing all your unwanted hair for years were too much to ignore.) But if that first appointment’s edging closer and you’re now starting to wonder what you’ve signed up for, here’s what to expect.
1 Pre-appointment: shave and stay in the shade
Sure – it's not quite a party, but shaving and staying out of the sun is one of the best ways you can prepare. The laser hair targets pigment, not hair, so it's fine if you want to shave. (The laser also burns any surface hair it meets on the way.) If you've got a tan, even if it's out of the bottle, it can confuse things. So swap your St. Tropez glow for factor 50 in the run-up to your appointment. Life's all about compromise, after all.
2 At least 24 hours before: expect a patch test
If you're anything like us, the word 'test' recalls espresso-fuelled revising sessions and sweating our way through exams. Happily, this test is just a quick check-up on a small area – it usually takes a couple of minutes – to make sure laser's for you.
Your therapist will use settings tailored to your skin and hair type, starting at a lower level and gradually increasing till they achieve a good 'clinical endpoint' (that means it's a realistic test). With a touch of aloe vera, the skin usually recovers quickly.
3 During: they'll protect your eyes and skin
These lasers aren’t like the ones from Star Wars but the bright light can still hurt your eyes. You'll be given some special sunglasses, so you'll look like a rock star. Kind of. As for your skin, the therapist will give the treatment area a good smear of cold gel before the laser fires up. This keeps your skin feeling serene while the warm beam does its business.
4 ...And as for the pain factor, it's not so bad
We saved the best bit till last. It ranks low on the pain scale. Well, it feels a bit like someone bouncing a bristly hairbrush on it your skin – odd, sure; bearable – definitely. Even better, it'll all be over in about 20 minutes. Remember, it'll take between six to eight sessions for all the hair to be zapped, so don't be disappointed if it's not all gone after session one.
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