Well, we’ve had a mighty fine month celebrating Pride so far, but our glitter pots haven’t ran out yet. This Saturday (July 7th), Pride month culminates in an epic, all-out parade through London. Good cause, good times, good excuse to share the love.
There’s only one rule when it comes to Pride: anything goes. But… if you do need a hand with the dressing up side of things, we’ve pulled together a gallery of inspiration to peruse before the party kicks off (conga and all).
Nail art, hair dye, and all the glitter: you should do you this weekend (and always). Here’s a well-glittered bunch of fabulous people doing just that.
By Rachel Spedding
Coloured hair? Good ideaImage credits: Instagram - @anyasiberia, @badkidhq, @bleachlondon, @chinqpink@dollskill, @fergalwella, @jeffreestar, @karanailedit, @laceymicallef, @lalafauxbois, @makeupbyvero, @nail_unistella, @nicolekhalani, @oliveandjune, @oscarpinklondon, @sarahbonomi92, @shesbizzy, @sophieberesiner, @squirt_skurtt, @thehangedit, @ti_gina, @tigerlilysimpson, @tommy.dorfman, @traejmoore