No more topping up your lippie after your lunchbreak (or third glass of red), the blurred lip trend answers our low-maintenance prayers – and looks great too.
The hazy lip look has been doing the rounds for a few years now, cropping up on catwalks season after season, but today marks the perfect occasion to talk about it. Why? Because this Friday is World Kissing Day. Pucker up.
Time to ditch the lip pencil and embrace the blurred-edge effect. The out-of-focus look is purposefully messy, and super easy to achieve. How’s it done? First up, grab your concealer. Relax – that trend is long gone – this is just to cancel out the pigmentation in your natural lip colour. Concentrate the lipstick colour in the centre of your pout, take your finger and blur it out (for a centre-focus lip), or blur beyond the line for a just-kissed (just-sipped) look.
The best part? The look gets better as time passes. Pass me the cheese toastie, my lipstick can handle it.
By Rachel Spedding