I’m calling it guys, haircare is the next skincare. We’ve been obsessed with hyaluronic acid for ages, but now it’s all about hair masks, heat-free curls and silk scrunchies. You heard it here first. So, in the name of our new passion, we asked Jake Unger, Head of Education at HOB salons all about hair masks and how to get the most out of them.
By Beth Ludolf
1 What kind of mask should I use?
There’s a lot of choice, we feel you. For hair that’s been chemically damaged (bleach gang), Jake suggests protein-rich formulas, “look for masks that mention strengthening or repairing benefits”. For hair that is naturally dry, or has been mechanically damaged (through heat-styling), he suggests moisturising masks.
2 Can you do treatment masks too often?
“Using one particular type of mask too often may result in hair that is over-strengthened (which will make it brittle) or hair that is super-soft but lacking in strength,” Jake explains, “switch it up to balance out the benefits and boost both strength and hydration of your hair”.
3 How long should you leave a mask on for?
It depends, you should check the guidelines on the specific product you’re using. “Most products will usually recommend somewhere between 5 and 15 minutes,” Jake says, “but leaving it a little longer – up to 30 minutes – will make sure your hair gets all the benefits”.
4 Should you leave a mask on overnight?
The longer time they have to work, the better, right? Not necessarily. Jake says “unless the product is specifically designed as an overnight formula, leaving it on for longer than around 30 minutes won’t have any extra benefit, by then it will have reached saturation and will essentially stop working”. It won’t cause the hair any damage, though.
5 What's the best way to apply a hair mask?
Take a bit more time to apply the mask properly, it will help you get the most out of it. “Any excess water will dilute the mask, so make sure you thoroughly towel dry your hair before apply”, Jake suggests, “once applied, comb the product through the hair so it’s evenly distributed”.
6 How can I maximise the benefits of a hair mask?
According to Jake, there are a few tricks you can do after applying too. He suggests wrapping the hair in a towel-turban using a hot towel that’s been on the radiator, “the heat will help the mask to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft so it's extra effective, wrapping the hair in cling film and then a hot towel will really amp this up”.
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